Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kill The Neck Scarf.

Why is this "accessory" even a topic of discussion in 2007? Didn't this "look" go out long ago? Let's face it, less than 2% of the women who wear them do it properly or with any taste. The other 98% achieve nothing more than looking like a desperate, aging flight attendants who are in jeopardy of loosing their pensions. Most importantly, if you are portly please don't make matters worse by wearing something that makes you look as if you have no neck! Opt instead for a nice layered necklace, or a simple single strand of pearls.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

From da office to da club?

Okay, other than my rant about common sense (which no one has commented on in the past 10 minutes), let's talk about appropriate work attire. What is "business casual" any way? Why have so many lawyers taken it to the far extreme? I often feel guilty for wearing the flip flops in the office lobby (which I walk to work in) while I wait for the elevator on which I will change into my heels, but what gives with the women who think that letting the twins hang out (I'm not talking about a hint of cleve, I'm talking about almost enough to breast feed) on a daily is appropriate? I recognize that, on occassion, almost everyone has a fashion misstep of sorts. That being said, none of mine have ever involved partial nudity. Do these people not own mirrors, or are they convinced they they look good and will recieve the added attention they so rightfully deserve when they leave the house in the morning?

Well, it's about time!

That's it, I can't take it any more. For years I have been keeping it bottled up but today I decided that the world deserves better, so here it is. Problemsolveher is a blog dedicated to the fashion misstep of the woman lawyer. Although not dedicated solely to women or lawyers (men will certainly be addressed, as will other professions and some related "substantive" content), I suspect that a great majority of what I have to say will relate to women lawyers because it is what I live, breath and know. Call it shallow, stupid, catty or whatever you please -- I don't care. I call it a much needed community service.

As the change of season sets in and summer fast approaches, let's make it easy to get the ball rolling. Here are a few good openers: why is common sense so uncommon when it comes to many women and their clothing? How many rolls of fat have to be prominently displayed or zippers have to be bleeding at the seam before a gal conceeds that her pants don't fit any more? Is it appropriate to burn every piece of a friend/co-worker's schoolmarm clothing so long as you replace their entire wardrobe?